November 22, 2021Ethiopia Reads’ digital media is now addressing literacy through online media to promote project activities outside of the traditional library setting.
In addition to the mobile libraries that reside outside of a traditional library setting, the newly launched Ethiopia Reads Digital Literacy Project is an extension of Cause 11.
Events, story reading, experience sharing videos, and reading promotion tips are being broadcasted on Ethiopia Reads’ media channels: Facebook page, Facebook group, the Telegram, and YouTube. The number of followers and page likes are increasing, meaning children in Ethiopia now have more access to literacy than ever before!
During the first phase of this yearly project, Ethiopia Reads conducted a survey on the overall importance and objective, implementation techniques and impact. A survey document was prepared targeting the online community in Ethiopia and conducted via Facebook and Telegram channels.
Questions assessed:
• The concerns of the country's existing experience with social media in the development of children's reading culture and reading skills,
• The types of programs and activities that should be presented on online media to help children achieve their literacy goals, and
• The evaluation of the role of social media in children's reading culture development and reading skills.
Over 62% of survey respondents agree that social media should have a very strong, or a strong contribution.
Two thirds of those surveyed said technological accessibility issues and a poor or inappropriate social media culture, are challenges of social media’s role in children’s literacy.
Asked about the specific types of productions that ought to be broadcast through digital media promoting children's literacy and reading, 75.8% of respondents chose story reading videos, public figure experience sharing videos, parent's tips, book promotions, and animated short movies.
A final question was designed to assess the importance of inviting public figures and successful individuals from various sectors to read a story aloud and share their experiences with children, and many respondents responded that it has a significant positive impact on children's reading habits and inspiration.
This survey will be important in guiding the future works and production of digital media programs. The existing performance of the Digital Literacy Project is going well according to plan. Due to the results of a 3-month pilot period of achievement, this project has been formally approved to continue.
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