Water Wells For Her Future - Update
November 16, 202011.10.2020 -
AGI staff members were invited to participate in a Zoom call for long-term major supporters of Water for South Sudan (WFSS). We had the opportunity to hear from the founder, Salva Dut, about the challenges the organization has overcome during the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Salva, because “water was the first medicine” when the virus began to spread, the ability to wash hands and surfaces (as well as stay hydrated when sick) was crucial. However, only one out of 10 people in South Sudan have access to basic sanitation*. Water for South Sudan has partnered with UNICEF to distribute soap, educate villagers about how to stop the spread of disease, and drill wells at health clinics that lack access to clean water. This important work was made possible by supporters across the world, including Alternative Gifts International (AGI).
AGI has partnered with WFSS for the last 15 years, and raised over $420,000 for the organization, earning a place in “Salva’s Circle” of major supporters. Salva began the organization after learning that his father was suffering from a disease caused by waterborne parasites, and support in the early years from AGI and other donors helped the organization make a tremendous impact.
As WFSS continues to provide essential and life-saving services to communities, support from donors is needed more than ever. This holiday season, and for every gift-giving opportunity, consider giving the gift of clean water in the name of family and loved ones. You can learn more about and donate toward this Cause by clicking here or by looking in our catalog.
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