World Food Day
October 16, 2019In the US, one in six people suffer from food insecurity. The fact of this statistic is, it takes just one devastating life event for things to spiral out of control, causing one to need assistance for basic daily necessities. Think about that for a moment. We are a nation of wealth, yet so many don’t know where their next meal will come from.
Globally, an estimated 815 million people suffer from chronic undernourishment. Which means that a person’s daily minimum dietary needs are not being met. The reasons for this are varied and complex in developing countries, and causes are linked to: economic inequality, environmental degradation, crop failure, and overpopulation. For children, the lack of proper nutrition leads to stunted growth and development. For children under five, an inadequate and consistent food supply compromises their immune system, which can lead to illness or death.
This is happening right now, in our time, on our watch.
Today, on World Food Day you have a chance to take action! Give a gift in honor of someone to one of our Hunger related causes and we will mail you a greeting card and gift insert describing the change you made. A gift of $5 to Cause 2 can plant 10 trees in Nepal, setting farming families on a path to food stability. Your gift of $55 can provide food for a struggling American family for 1 week.
Will you take action against hunger today?
fao.org and Agriculture.gov
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